6 Qualities Make Sales Managers Great

CROs and CEOs often ask me what separates great sales managers from good ones. Having led teams of sales managers and sales directors at Microsoft and elsewhere, here’s what I say.

The line between good and great can be subtle but have profound impact. Both good and great sales managers possess important skills essential for leading teams.

But it is the nuances in approach, mindset, and execution that matter. Understand these differences and you will know what makes sales managers great.

Six qualities stand out for me:

Inspire and motivate teams

Good sales managers do the blocking and tackling well. They provide direction, set goals, and ensure adherence to strategies. They know their team's metrics well. They give feedback to improve outcomes.

Great sales managers ignite passion and enthusiasm in their teams. They understand that motivation drives sustainable results. They are effective communicators, show empathy, and lead by example. Empowerment and accountability are real.

Strategic thinking versus tactical execution

Good sales managers focus on day-to-day operations. They ensure tasks are done well and targets are met. They are good problem-solvers and adapt quickly to changing circumstances.

Great sales managers transcend the tactical realm and embrace a strategic mindset. They transform teams and their broader organization. Their input is boundaryless: product, price, marketing, customer experience, support, and more. No topic is off limits if it is blocking progress towards a goal.

Coaching and development sets great sales managers apart

Good managers invest in training and skill development. Their counterparts go further.

Great sales managers see coaching as an ongoing journey. They invest time in understanding each team member's strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations. They tailor coaching sessions to individual needs. They create chances for growth and foster a culture of always getting better.

Effective communication lies at the heart of successful sales management

Good managers communicate objectives, expectations, and strategies clearly. They make sure everyone is on the same page.

Great managers go beyond mere transmission of information; they master the art of active listening. They value input from their team members, seeking diverse perspectives and insights. They foster open dialogue. They create a culture of transparency, trust, and cohesion within the team. EQ is high.

Embrace innovation and adaptability

More than ever before, agility is paramount. Good managers adhere to proven methodologies and best practices.

Great managers embrace change as an opportunity for growth. They encourage experimentation and stay ahead of industry trends. This equips their team to thrive amidst uncertainty. Challenges become stepping stones for success.

AI thought leadership

AI represents an unparalleled opportunity for boosting efficiency and effectiveness. Good managers see this, but are likely to embrace AI reactively.

Great sales managers understand AI is a game-changer. They know that AI can handle repetitive tasks, analyze big datasets, and provide insights. They actively seek out ways to apply AI so they can get more done with the resources they have. They collaborate with marketing, customer success, operations, and IT to optimize workflows to make it happen.


Not every good manager has the potential to be great, but many do. The first step is understanding the qualities that separate the two. Great ones inspire greatness, foster innovation, and drive sustained success. They have the power to lift the performance of the sales team and impact the trajectory of the organization as a whole. They are role models for the next generation of sales leaders.

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