Ready to hire your first Sales VP…Or not quite?

Hiring a Sales VP is a major decision that requires careful consideration. Your business will experience next-level growth if you get it right. On the other hand, you will lose time and money if the decision is premature or wrong. Add opportunity cost to this list too.

Getting it right means taking stock of the current situation and knowing what to look for. Are you sure now is the right time? What qualities should you prioritize? What questions do you ask? Should you consider a fractional sales executive instead? And so on.

We address each of these one by one.

How do you know you are ready for your first Sales VP?

Deciding if you're ready to hire your first Sales VP is a big milestone for any business. Several indicators will help you determine if the time is right.

You may need a sales leader if:

  • Your business has been experiencing consistent sales growth and you anticipate further expansion.
  • Your current sales team needs help to handle big deals. They also have to handle many product lines and customer segments.
  • You need help to penetrate new territories and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
  • Your sales team lacks direction and doesn’t get the attention it needs.
  • Your growing customer base demands a more sophisticated approach to sales management.
  • Your sales team lacks the infrastructure, tools, and technology to support their efforts.
  • You are planning to scale your sales organization to support future growth.
  • You are getting stuck with more sales management duties even though you are the CEO or founder.

If your business meets several of these criteria, then you're ready to take this important step.

What qualities to look for?

As someone who has hired many sales leaders over the years, we recommend you look for the following:

  • Leadership Skills. The Sales VP will lead and inspire the sales team. Look for someone who can motivate, mentor, and guide their team to achieve targets.
  • Strategic Thinker. The ideal candidate should think strategically. They should be able to develop and implement sales strategies that fit with the company's goals.
  • Proven Track Record. Look for candidates with a proven track record of achieving and exceeding sales targets in past roles.
  • Industry Knowledge. This is not always true. But, knowing the industry and the target market can make a big difference.
  • Excellent Communication Skills. Poor communication leads to failure. The Sales VP must speak and write clearly. They must explain the vision, strategy, and expectations.
  • Analytical Abilities. Look for candidates who are good at data analysis. They can use it to make informed choices.
  • Customer Focus. The Sales VP should put understanding customers first. They should deliver value to build strong, lasting relationships.
  • Adaptability. The Sales VP should be adaptable. They should update strategies in response to market or business changes.

The importance of cultural fit

Cultural fit is crucial when selecting a Sales VP. It affects team dynamics. It affects employee engagement and customer relationships. It affects the success or failure of the sales organization. Consider factors like alignment with company values, employee morale, adaptability, resilience, and customer focus.

Should I hire a fractional or full-time Sales VP?

You must decide between hiring a fractional Sales VP or a full-time Sales VP. The choice depends on many factors. These include your company's needs, budget limits, and growth stage.

This topic could be a separate article, so we will limit the conversation to a list of factors:

  • Consider your budget. Evaluate if your current resources allow for a full-time executive. Or, if a fractional arrangement better fits your budget.
  • Immediate Needs vs. Long-Term Strategy. Check if your company needs sales leadership now to address pressing issues. Or, if you're focused on long term planning and growth, which may require a full-time Sales VP.
  • Business Stage. Consider your company's growth stage and sales maturity. Startups and early-stage businesses may benefit from the flexibility and expertise of a part-time Sales VP. More established companies may need the dedicated leadership of a full-time executive.
  • Capacity of Existing Leadership Team. Decide if you have the time and skill to work well with a part-time Sales VP. Or, if a full-time executive is needed.

What questions should you ask?

Whether you are seeking a fractional or full-time Sales VP, the questions are similiar.

Can you walk me through your experience in sales leadership roles? This question lets the individual highlight their experience. They can talk about their achievements in leading sales teams.

How do you approach developing a sales strategy? Look for insights into the how the individual thinks. Also, look for insights into how they make sales strategies tailored to the business's needs.

What measures do you take to motivate and support your sales team? Understanding the candidate's approach to leadership and team management is crucial. You are assessing their ability to inspire and empower their team.

Can you provide examples of how you've successfully adapted sales strategies to changing market conditions? This question tests the candidate's adaptability. It checks their ability to respond well to market changes.

How do you prioritize customer satisfaction while achieving sales targets? A customer-centric approach is vital. So, it's important to gauge the candidate's commitment to delivering customer value.

How do you utilize data and analytics to inform your sales decisions? Sales leaders need to make decisions based on data. So, the candidate should provide an example showing how they use data for insights.

Tell me about a challenging sales situation you encountered and how you navigated it. This question gives insight into the candidate's problem-solving. It shows their ability to bounce back from obstacles.

How do you ensure alignment between sales and other departments, such as marketing or product development? Collaboration between departments is crucial for business success. So, the candidate should explain how they foster alignment and synergy.

What strategies do you use for talent acquisition and development within the sales team? The ability to recruit top talent and cultivate a high-performing team is essential.

Can you share a specific example of a major sales success you achieved in your previous role? This question allows the candidate to show their achievements. It gives evidence of their ability to deliver results.


Hiring your first Sales VP is a critical decision for any business. This individual will play a pivotal role in driving revenue growth and shaping the company's sales strategy. Making the wrong decision wastes time and money. Look for a candidate with a mix of skills. These include leadership, strategic thinking, industry knowledge, and a sales track record.

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